cutting pepper Frozen Food Week


Ice Texture


Which Type Of Foodie Are You?

You have to eat food every single day, but it doesn’t have to be a boring slog or a chore. Why not make the most of your three square meals a day by having plenty of fun and varied ingredients stored in the freezer? That’s the true life of a foodie.

Food is a wonderful thing. With the fantastic flavours, smells, tastes and textures it’s great to take every opportunity to seek out new eateries and to try different dishes and meal ideas in the kitchen. You can buy almost anything in frozen form, from frozen spinach, chillies and onions to herbs and spices – perfect for all occasions. Whether it’s a meal for one or a lavish dinner party, it’s great to feel inspired and make the most of your meals with your own flair.

This quick quiz will help you discover which type of foodie you really are. Take it below and let us know what you find out!





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