A solution to food waste Frozen Food Week


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The Cool Solution to Food Waste

Food waste is a huge global problem with serious consequences, from the exhaustion of natural resources to the generation of harmful greenhouse gases. In fact, in the UK alone, we waste a staggering 3 million tonnes of edible food every year. To put that into perspective, that’s equivalent to 6.9 billion meals, or over 18 million meals a day!

The Global Issue
It’s estimated that one-third of all food produced for human consumption is lost or wasted each year, so its important we find a solution to food waste. This shocking statistic reveals the scale of the issue we’re facing. The most common reasons for food waste are fresh foods being left in the fridge until they become inedible and excessive cooking, meaning perfectly good food is thrown away. We expect everyone is guilty of accidentally cooking too much pasta for their spag bol from time to time.

When food is wasted, so are the precious resources that went into producing it, including water and energy. Additionally, decomposing food in landfills releases methane, a potent greenhouse gas. At least 25% of today’s global warming is driven by methane from human actions. Climate change is having a devastating impact on the food and drink industry. Drought and extreme heat disrupts plant growth, flooding can drown crops and even submerge entire fields, and hurricanes can bulldoze through huge farms in a matter of minutes, destroying full harvests and endangering livestock.
As global temperatures rise, and the frequency of natural disasters increase, it’s crucial we start taking food waste more seriously. The reason we need a solution to food waste is that by reducing the food goes in the bin, it’s estimated that we could reduce global greenhouse gas emissions by up to 10%. If that’s not enough to convince you, here’s an added incentive: an average family with children could save around £720 per year – just think of all the extra freezer bags you could buy…

Frozen Food and Waste Reduction a Solution to Food Waste.
Reducing food waste and understanding how you can minimise your carbon footprint can often be confusing and seem time-consuming. However, here at the British Frozen Food Federation, we’re dedicated to making this easier for you. Buying frozen food over alternatives can help reduce your carbon footprint in many ways, including:

1. Long Shelf Life: Frozen food retains its quality for a great deal longer than fresh food, giving you more time to enjoy your meals before they spoil. This means you won’t be tossing out grub as often, and you can cut down on those extra trips to the supermarket.

2. Reduced Impulse Purchases: Fewer supermarket trips means fewer opportunities for those expensive, spur-of-the-moment buys that you don’t really need. That means less temptation to grab that extra chocolate bar and more chance of sticking to your shopping list.

3. Better Portion Control: With frozen food, you can use what you need and store the rest for another time, without worrying about it spoiling. There’s less chance of you cooking too much food and throwing the excess away.

Tips for Frozen Food Storage
Here are some simple, effective ways you can make your frozen food last longer and your time spent on meal planning shorter:

1. Prevent Freezer Burn: Freezer burn occurs when air reaches your freezer and dries out your frozen food. It’s usually caused by food not being wrapped in air-tight packaging. When it comes to wrapping up your food, think tinfoil, freezer paper, or trusty freezer bags. These will keep your grub safe from freezer burn and help them hold onto their mouthwatering flavours.

2. Use Containers: Organise your freezer by investing in an array of freezer-safe containers. These will not only keep your food neatly arranged and perfectly portioned but also protect it from freezer burn.

3. Label Everything: Label your freezer-safe containers with the date and their contents. This will help you with meal planning and ensure nothing gets forgotten about and discovered years later!

The global issue of food waste is a complex problem with serious environmental consequences. However, by bringing more frozen food into your meal planning and following these nifty storage tips, you can make a positive impact on the environment whilst enjoying the convenience and benefits of frozen food. So, next time you reach for that bag of frozen vegetables or left-over frozen cottage pie, know that you’re not just saving time – you’re also helping to reduce food waste and your carbon footprint.



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