Sunday Dinner Frozen Food Week


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Easy Sunday Dinner

Research last year revealed that 49% of families spend more time preparing the Sunday roast than any other meal in the week – sound familiar?

With all the chopping, peeling and seasoning to do, cooks can often spend endless hours in the kitchen preparing a traditional roast for their families. However, if you would like to free up time to put your feet up and relax with the Coronation Street omnibus or read a few chapters of your favourite book, switch to frozen ingredients, which are often pre-prepared.

Using frozen ingredients can also:

Reduce food waste – by using frozen ingredients you can just defrost what you need and avoid leftovers which are often thrown in the bin.

• Cut cost – in some cases, using frozen ingredients has been proven to be 34% better value than fresh and by buying your meat in advance you can spread the cost across the month.

• Nutritious – recent research has shown that some frozen vegetables can have higher levels of vitamins and antioxidants than their fresh counterparts.


Frozen meat can either be defrosted on Saturday night and cooked on the Sunday or in many cases cooked from frozen on the Sunday itself; cooks should check the individual pack instructions. If you are planning to have the extended family round on Easter Sunday, by buying a frozen leg of lamb in advance you can avoid a frantic Saturday night dash around the supermarket aisles. Don’t forget, you can also season your meat with frozen herbs!


From frozen vegetable mixes to frozen mash and frozen roast potatoes, there are a wide range of options in the freezer aisles to make sure you get some of your five-a-day from your Sunday roast. As well as cutting time spent peeling and chopping, using frozen vegetables has been proven to offer just as good, or in some cases better, nutrition than their fresh counterparts.


What is a Sunday roast without good old Yorkshire puddings and stuffing? But gone are the days when you have to cook both from scratch, as both can be found in the frozen aisle and can be cooked in a matter of minutes.

Room for dessert?

If you have a sweet tooth but you’re more of a Bridget Jones than a Mary Berry in the kitchen, then the frozen aisles can help you to avoid a baking disaster. From delicious fruity cheesecakes to yummy profiteroles, the frozen aisles are packed with delicious looking treats. But, if you’re trying to be good our Raspberry Iced Dessert will satisfy your sweet craving without the guilt.

Want more advice?

Click here for more on how to defrost chicken –

Click here for more on how to defrost turkey – 

Click here for more information about frozen ingredients –



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