Frozen Food Week


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Queen of Easy Green: Frozen food helps keep dieting on track

Frozen food dieting tips

So here we are, into the second month of 2014 and well on with our new regime of living a healthier life.

That’s certainly where I am at, after reviewing a juice cleanse detox diet for Queen of Easy Green in October, which helped me lose 1 ½ stone in weight by December, followed by a review of a 3 day post-Christmas detox spa retreat for my At Home magazine column earlier this month, I’ve been determined to stick to my healthy eating regime and enjoy my new found energy.

So how have I been able to keep on track with my detox diet whilst juggling my busy work and family commitments?  The answer is – I’ve chosen frozen.

There are several reasons why new diet regimes might fail including, the diet being too strict, constantly feeling hungry and of course, cravings! However, I found through choosing to eat frozen I’ve been able to tackle these dieting demons, lose weight and feel great – here’s how.

Diet too strict

If you love food, like I do, the thought of eating only a handful of ‘allowed’ foods is very disheartening. Fortunately the diet I am following includes a wide variety of healthy, tasty goodies, including my favourite – fish.

Stocking my freezer with sustainably-sourced frozen salmon fillets, tuna and sea bass I’ve been able to enjoy a wide variety of mouth-watering, perfectly portioned fishy dishes that are packed full of vitamins and protein and very easy to make. My favourite dish, Steamed Sea Bass with Spring Vegetables, can be made using a single steamer in under 30 minutes and is fast, nutritious and is very delicious.

Feeling hungry

One easy way to make sure you always feel satisfied is to fill-up on healthy, wholesome vegetables. By choosing preservative-free frozen vegetables including frozen green beans, broccoli, carrots and peas I know I am enjoying vegetables at their most nutritious. With vitamins ‘locked in’ when frozen at the point of harvesting, frozen vegetables maintain much higher levels of vitamins than many vegetables sold as fresh. Not only that, by choosing frozen, I have the convenience of ‘just picked’ fresh, pre-prepared vegetables at my finger tips, plus I know there will be no wastage, as I can use as little or as much as I need


The dieters’ nemesis and mine too! But an easy way I’ve managed to stave of my sweet-cravings is to serve up a super-tasty smoothie. Made in a matter of minutes, I blitz a cocktail of frozen strawberries and frozen raspberries with a quarter of a medium cantaloupe melon to make myself an immunity-boosting, rich in vitamin C and antioxidant smoothie, which not only staves off my cravings, it makes me feel great too. Fast and easy to make, my smoothies are loads cheaper than shop-bought versions, have no preservatives AND can be made fresh all year round thanks to using frozen ingredients.

So if you’re struggling to stick to your diet and need a little support to get you were you need to be, why not take a gentle stroll down the freezer aisle and reach for some frozen goodies – you’ll be so pleased you did.

Lyndsey Young, Queen of Easy Green™ is an easy green living expert, ecopreneur, eco columnist and social media influencer. ‘Living Green, Loving Saving’, Lyndsey is passionate about sharing her practical, time, money and energy-saving tips and advice, as well as reviewing and designing eco-friendly products which make a positive difference to you, your home, your pocket and the environment. To find out more, pop over to her website at, follow her on Twitter @QueenEasyGreen, become a fan of Queen of Easy Green on Facebook or visit



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