Frozen Food Myths Busted Frozen Food Week


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Frozen Food Myths Busted for Good

Frozen food has come a long way since it became widely available in the 1950s. The frozen food aisle now offers everything from premium meals and international cuisine to nutritious scratch cooking ingredients. Despite this progression, there are many myths and misconceptions that might prevent you from fully enjoying the benefits of frozen food. We’re here to eliminate those myths and set the record straight about frozen food!

Myth 1: Frozen food is cheaper because it’s lower quality
Frozen food can be incredibly budget-friendly. In fact, you can achieve savings of up to 86% when by buying frozen food over fresh. In today’s tough economic environment, cutting spending whilst still being able to enjoy delicious, nutritious meals is a top priority for all of us. Some shoppers assume, however, that because frozen food is often cheaper than alternatives such as fresh food, it must be of a lower quality. There is a perfectly good explanation as to why frozen food generally has a cheaper price tag, and it’s probably not what you’d expect.

The Truth: As frozen food has a long shelf life, it doesn’t need to be transported by costly air freight or expedited shipping. It can travel by much more economical means, keeping prices down. As there’s much less chance of frozen food becoming damaged or spoiled before being sold, producers and retailers don’t need to account for this in the price.
Frozen fruits and vegetables are often frozen in bulk immediately after harvest. This means they are available all year round without the addition of costly off-season imports or long-distance transportation, again keeping prices down. Therefore, buying frozen food means you can enjoy delicious, nutritious meals without stretching your budget (keep an eye out for sales and discounts to maximise your savings).

Myth 2: Frozen food isn’t as nutritious as fresh food
One of the most common myths surrounding frozen food is that it’s nutritionally inferior to fresh food, however this just isn’t the case. You don’t need to take our word for it, as scientific research reveals otherwise.

The Truth: Multiple studies investigating the nutritional difference between frozen and fresh food have found no significant evidence that the nutritional quality of food is worsened by the freezing process. Some research even suggests that frozen veggies, such as peas, can be superior in nutrient content compared to fresh food that has been stored for several days. This is because fresh foods lose their nutrients during handling, transportation and storage, as they are easily perishable. Spinach, for example, loses 75% of its vitamin C content 2 days after picking. This loss is reduced to 20% when spinach is frozen. Freezing foods at their peak freshness locks in vital vitamins and minerals, preserving the food’s nutritional value. Additionally, the freezing process itself acts as a preservative, meaning frozen foods are often free from, or contain very few, additives and preservatives.

Myth 3: Frozen food doesn’t look and taste as good at the alternatives
Many people presume that frozen food lacks an appealing appearance or has an inferior texture when cooked.

The Truth: As well as locking in vital vitamins and minerals, the freezing process also helps preserve the flavours and textures of foods, therefore prolonging the nutritional value and the quality of food whilst at its best. Additionally, freezing food to temperatures of -18°C or lower deactivates or kills the growth of harmful microorganisms, which can cause food spoilage and pose serious health risks, generally making frozen food a safe choice. Due to innovation and diversification, you’ll now find a huge variety of frozen options that cater to all tastes and dietary preferences. From premium frozen meals to international cuisine, there’s something for everyone, so you can enjoy flavorful, high-quality meals that don’t break the bank.

Myth 4: Frozen food is less sustainable
Some people believe that frozen food is less environmentally friendly than fresh food due to concerns about energy use in the freezing process.

The Truth: In the UK, we waste a staggering 3 million tonnes of edible food every year. The most common reasons for food waste are fresh foods being left in the fridge until they become inedible and excessive cooking, meaning perfectly good food is thrown away. When food is wasted, so are the precious resources that went into producing it, including energy. When rotting food decomposes in landfills, it releases methane – a potent greenhouse gas that significantly contributes to global warming. Frozen food can actually help you to reduce your carbon footprint for various reasons. Its long shelf life means it lasts much longer than fresh food, so you’re less likely to throw it away if your plans or your fancies change.

With frozen food, you can use what you need and store the rest for another time, without worrying about it spoiling. This also means fewer trips to the supermarket are needed, reducing the amount of harmful carbon emissions coming from your car or the bus. The next time you fill your freezer with frozen food, know that you’re not just saving precious pounds, you’re also contributing to reducing food waste and your carbon footprint!

The world of frozen food is riddled with myths and misconceptions that deter shoppers from visiting the frozen aisle and taking advantage of its benefits. By debunking these myths, we hope to have encouraged you to explore the vast array of frozen options available that offer convenience, quality, nutrition, sustainability and value for money, without compromise.



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