Smartphone App Frozen Food Week


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Fresh from the Freezer Inspires Mums on the Move with iPhone app

Today we’ve launched our brand new Fresh from the Freezer smartphone app which is aimed at helping families get great value nutrition using frozen food.

The new Fresh from the Freezer app is available initially for iPhone and iPod touch users via the App Store. In an instantly accessible format it brings together a wide range of mouth-watering meal ideas using the very best frozen ingredients.

In addition there is a host of frequently asked questions and defrosting tips for cooking with frozen food.

We’ve launched the app to help you access our fantastic recipes, tips and advice on the move.

We know that busy lifestyles mean that mums are looking for fast and convenient ways to offer nutritional meals to their families without spending a fortune. Frozen food allows you to buy bulk pre-prepared meals and ingredients.

As well as being the ultimate convenience food, research shows that frozen food is as effective in providing family nutrition as fresh. We’ve launched the Fresh from the Freezer app to help support busy parents and help you to access simple but nutritional meal ideas at the touch of the button.

As more and more people in the UK use smartphones, the demand for instant information is increasing. Recent statistics show that nearly 40 million of us in the UK own smartphones, that’s over 48% of the entire population and predictions suggest that this is likely to grow with 80% of mobile users in the UK opting for smartphones by 2017.



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