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Heart-healthy grocery shopping list

Whether you have a medical need to eat better or you just want to improve your diet, eating heart-healthy foods is a really good idea. Rather than eating a diet full of processed foods, sugar and saturated fat, switch to natural ingredients and your health will definitely receive a boost.

One of the best ways of shopping for fruit and veg is to go for frozen items. Not only does this more often than not mean less waste and a lower spend, it’s also been shown that freezing helps preserve the nutrients. As heat can affect certain nutrients, and since the produce is frozen straight after being picked, it can actually be of a higher quality too.

Cooking healthy recipes will help you maintain a normal cholesterol level, and learning how to use frozen produce to do that can be a big step.

Now, let’s check out a handful of heart-healthy groceries you might want to add to your shopping list this month.

Fruit and veg. Full of antioxidants, fibre and vitamins, fruit and veg are a must for a heart-healthy diet. There is an ever-expanding array of frozen fruit and veg that is available in supermarkets. This means you can reduce waste by just taking out what you need for that meal and putting the rest back for another time. Frozen fruits are also great for breakfast smoothies as you can chuck them straight in.


Here are a few choices that would be great additions to your shopping:

  • Onions
  • Mushrooms
  • Broccoli
  • Spinach
  • Peppers
  • Avocados (available halved or sliced)
  • Berries (strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, etc.)
  • Carrots
  • Mango and pineapple
  • Sweet potatoes



Fish. Go for fish that’s high in Omega 3, a healthy source of fat. Frozen fish is great as it’s pre-portioned so requires no preparation as is frozen at peak freshness within hours of being caught, so contains a higher level of nutrients than fresh.

  • Tuna
  • Mackerel
  • Herring
  • Trout
  • Salmon


Nuts and seeds. Just like fish, nuts and seeds are full of good fats, and contain high levels of vitamins too. They’re great for sprinkling on your breakfast and for snacking, and here are a few you might like to try:

  • Almonds
  • Macadamias
  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Flaxseeds
  • Walnuts


Pulses. Adding pulses to your diet is a great way of getting increased protein without additional fat. They’re full of fibre, B vitamins and plenty of other good nutrients too. Add these to your shopping trolley:

  • Kidney beans
  • Lentils
  • Black beans
  • Chickpeas: why not try these in our Curried Cod recipe?


Olive oil. Such a powerful addition to anyone’s shopping list! Go for extra virgin and you’ll be getting a hit of monounsaturated fats, which play a big part in helping you maintain a normal cholesterol level.




Treats. Just because you’ve decided to make healthy choices about what you consume doesn’t mean you can’t indulge yourself every now and then. Especially when items like the ones below have health benefits too:

  • Popcorn – not just a lower fat alternative to crisps, it can also be high in fibre.
  • Dark chocolate – full of flavonoids known as polyphenols, dark chocolate can help reduce the risk of high blood pressure, inflammation and clotting. Make sure you go with at least 60% cocoa.
  • Red wine – studies have shown that red wine can actually play a part in lowering bad cholesterol in your body. That doesn’t mean you should glug a bottle, but rather a small glass in the evening.



There you have it: a heart-healthy shopping list. You’re now armed with information about the benefits of frozen produce, why changing your cooking habits can make a difference and a whole host of foods that will support your heart. Give them a try and look forward to a healthier you!




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